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Drinking Outside

Counseling for Substance Use

Have you found yourself reaching for a drink or other substance more often than you like? 


So often we are not taught healthy strategies to manage difficult emotions and situations, so we numb the emotions to distract from the stress or pain. 


You are not alone.


Here at Flourish Counseling Services, we are here to help. We utilize an empathetic Motivational Interviewing approach to help identify your goals for your substance use and determine a plan of action to work towards meeting these goals.



How do I know if I need counseling for my substance use?


While occasional, moderate substance use can absolutely be a part of a healthy lifestyle, substance use can also very quickly begin becoming unhealthy. If you have noticed that your substance use is beginning to have negative impacts in your life, then it is time to seek help….


Maybe you have begun calling out of work occasionally due to being so hungover from the night before.


Maybe you have found yourself making negative decisions while under the influence that negatively impact your relationships.


Maybe loved ones in your life have brought up concerns of your increasing substance use.


Maybe you find yourself reaching for substances as your main way of coping with the variety of life’s challenges.


Or maybe you have experienced a loss of control related to substance use (for example, trying to limit your drinks and not being able to stick to this limit or telling yourself you wouldn’t drink for a week and being unable to achieve this).


All of these are perfect examples of times to seek out counseling for support in addressing your substance use. We always recommend seeking out help at the first sign of these difficulties rather than waiting until the concerns have escalated (for example, lost job or relationship). It is important to be proactive about your substance use because it can be a very slippery slope into increasing difficulties.



Will you tell me that I have to be abstinent?


No, we work with you to determine YOUR substance use goals, whether that is reducing frequency/amount or complete abstinence. Then we will work collaboratively to determine a plan towards achieving these goals. 


These goals may change over the course of treatment depending on the circumstances. No matter what, you will be met with empathy and you will be the ultimate decision-maker on your treatment goals.



What if I am just a “social drinker/user”?


Just because you only drink or use other substances in social settings, it does not necessarily mean that your substance use is healthy. No matter what setting your substance use is taking place in, it can cause negative impacts in your life. If this is the case, it might be time to take a closer look at your substance use.


Will my services be confidential?


YES. Here at Flourish Counseling Services, we know that there can unfortunately be stigma surrounding substance use. Unless you would like for family/others to be involved in your treatment, then what is discussed in therapy sessions remains confidential. 


You are so brave for reaching out for help and we don’t want you to fear others finding out about your treatment.


Will I be judged by my choices?


Here at Flourish Counseling Services, we are non-judgmental and compassionate in working with you towards your substance-related goals. We understand that you are doing your best to cope with stressors and other difficult life situations. We will work together to find other, healthier ways of coping with these situations.



Will I have to change my lifestyle?


This varies widely based on the circumstances. For some people, the best solution is to change your lifestyle and end certain relationships that are based in substance use. For other people, they are able to maintain the same friends and situations while simply choosing not to use substances/choosing to reduce the amount of substances used. For other people, other aspects of life may have to change (for example, if you work as a bartender and are struggling with your alcohol use, you may need to find another job). 


These are topics that we will discuss in depth during sessions and determine the best solution together. Again, YOU are the ultimate decision-maker in this process.



Ready to start?


You can call us at 804-203-2778 or email us at at any time. We are happy to address any outstanding questions or concerns to get started in the counseling process. Give us a call today!

You have the capacity to heal, grow, and flourish. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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